Sunday, July 17, 2011

And so it begins...


That was more for me, welcoming myself to the world of blogging.  I decided to start a blog to have a way to document my 70.3 Half Ironman training, among other reasons:  1)  Document training (as previously stated).  2)  Rant when I need/want to about training and/or life.  3)  Hold myself accountable for getting in a tough workout when all I want to do is sleep in past 5 am.  All good reasons to blog.  Right?

So, here I am, on the eve of beginning my official 70.3 training for the Oil Man Texas Triathlon. Race day is November 6 in Conroe, Texas.  111 days from now.  This will be my first half Ironman race.  I actually started my training plan four weeks ago, but those four weeks were prep weeks to get me ready for my Base Training.  I've already done three sprint tris this year, so I have been keeping up my fitness level.  Although tomorrow begins week 1 of my 16 week training plan.  And I hope to track my progress along the way as best as I can to keep my friends and family informed.  And 112 days from now, hopefully you'll be reading about one happy triathlete who will be one step closer to her ultimate goal.

So now I welcome you, my friends, family, or someone just passing through the blog world.  This is gonna be a fun ride.  Enjoy. 


  1. Test comment: So excited you started a blog! It's going to be so much fun following you!

  2. Awesome! We'll be following along.
