Monday, October 17, 2011

Last big training week...then let the taper begin...

To start off my last big training week, what did I get to do?  Nothing.  Off day.  Yippee!  Just because its a nice rest from my 50 mile training ride I did yesterday morning.  My longest ride to date.  I felt pretty good, a bit windy at times, but nothing like my 40miler I had a few weeks ago.  I did stop 3 times to give my legs a few minutes rest, which really helped.  I'm debating whether I should do this in the race or not.  Since my goal is to basically finish the race, I'm not to concerned with my bike time, and I want to make sure my legs are up for a 13.1 mile run afterwards.  This time last week, my right hamstring was bothering me, which began hurting after my USA 10 Miler race.  My workouts last week were impaired from my hurting hamstring, enough I decided to go see my awesome sports chiropractor.  Since then, its feeling much better, and I barely felt it on my ride. 

As for the USA 10 Miler race last Sunday, it went well.  My total time was 1:47.  For the first 5 miles, I paced myself with a girl running just ahead of me (seen in a pic below), then a friend of mine who is training for the NYC Marathon caught up with me and we ran the rest of the race together.  It was pretty humid, and actually started sprinkling on us for the last 4 miles.  Then, literally ~30 seconds after I crossed the finish line, it began to pour.  Thank goodness I was done! 

So I'm already looking ahead to this weekend.  I'll be heading up to Conroe with a few friends to ride the race route so I can get familiar with it.  Its supposed to be hilly, so we'll see how it goes. Below is the elevation chart for the route.  I'm used to riding on pretty much a straight line graph.


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